This song is dedicated to my grandfather, Giuseppe, my grandmother Quintina, my mother Maria, and my father Nello. It is dedicated to the farmer, the artist, and the immigrant. It is dedicated to the dreamers and those who sacrifice. With much love, I dedicate this to San Nicandro and San Demetrio: two small towns up in the mountains overlooking L’Aquila and the Gran Sasso. These are some of their words and stories.
Romina (voice), Tommaso Sollazzo (zampogna), Ben Grossman (ghironda).
Lungo la via sterrata per Leporanica / Along the rubble road to Leporanica
Aria dal ghiaccio e suoni di campana / mountain air and the sounds of church bells
sotto le stelle e sopra le balle di fieno / under the stars and over the bales of hay
sto cuore é pieno d’amore per te / this heart is full of love for you
fiori di mandorlo, e rami di ceci / almond flower, and chick pea branches
che tu dicevi, “Più bello non c’é.” / you would say, “Nothing is more beautiful.”
Questa é tua terra, é madre alma / This is your country, it is mother land
Questa é tua lingua, é tua parola / This is your language, it is your word.
Voce di grazia, ricamo antico / Graceful voice, ancient embroidery
Stornello é figlio del popolo / the Stornello is the offsprind of the people
Nonno, poeta e contadino / Nonno, poet and land-worker
Figlia son io. Imerecurd / I am your daughter. I remember.
Al focolaio, “Sent’a me a nonna sente, / By the fire hearth, “Listen to me, my child, listen,
I teng’ poca scuola ma tanta esperienza.” / I have little schooling, but much education
Squillo di rabbia, squillo di, Ave Maria / Ping of rage, ping of, Ave Maria
madre di Dio, tu prega per noi . / mother of God, you pray for us.
Nonna, attrice e contadina / Nonna, actress and landworker
Sono tua figlia, Imerecord / I am your daughter. I remember.
Scambio cavallo a San Demetrio / The horse was exchanged with San Demetrio
Scappò con spada, San Nicandro / and San Nicandro ran off with Demetrio’s sword.
Implorava la maestra: “Signora suo figlio, / The teacher implored: “Signora, your son,
Brillante e ingegno, de’ studiare ancor’” / brilliant and ingenious, must continue his studies.”
Babbo, coraggio e filosifia / Daddy, courage and philosophy
Sono tua figlia, Imerecord. / I am your daughter. I remember.
Ali di lini al vento Colombe in aria / Wings of linen, like doves in the air
Volata via Colomba in primavera / the dove flew away in springtime
Vola, vola, vola, vola, risate, profumo di madre / Fly, fly, fly, fly away laughter and fragrance of mother,
Santi e rosari, in celeste volò, / saints and rosaries, in sky blue ascension
Mamma, cantante e fiore dei fiori / Mommy, singer and flower of flowers
Lu prima ammore, imerecord / The First Love. I remember.
Vedi questa anima, vedi sto core mio / Look at this soul, look at this heart of mine.
I nun m’arrende – per l’amore di Dio! / I will not give up – for the love of God!
Forte e Gentile, sangue di fuoco e di ghiaccio / Strong and Gentile, blood of fire and of ice caps
L’amore é sacro, sacro é amor / Love is sacred, sacred is love.
Donna infinita, roccia e universo / Woman, infinite, mountain and universe
*Canto e verso, Imerecord. / Canto and verse. I remember.
*Canto, translation: 1. Song, 2. Chant, 3. I sing, 4. lyric
Words and music by Romina Di Gasbarro © 2018 Romina Di Gasbarro (SOCAN)