Paul Corby and his Corby’s Orbit has been so good to Risorgimento this year! The record, was on his top of 2018, while Bedouin was on his best songs of 2018, and now this: his favourite things of 2018 – with a high praise review:

“Romina swirls sweet melodies into her songs of liberty, history and faith. Although her record grows through progressive rock outcroppings, the music stays rooted in traditional Italian acoustic instrumentation and dance.  Rollover Madonna and tell Kate Bush the news.

Mamma mia!! Fresca!! Well, Madonna is an Aquilana paesana so maybe there is a little Tarantella coursing through her veins too. As for Kate Bush? If Risorgimento is half as good as 8 bars of anything on Wuthering Heights or Lion Heart, I’d sleep gleefully! I absolutely love Kate!!

Check out the whole list here!
Thank you, Paul Corby and Roots Music Canada!!